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Avengers: Endgame ?Tubi?



Sci-Fi / After half of all life is snapped away by Thanos, the Avengers are left scattered and divided. Now with a way to reverse the damage, the Avengers and their allies must assemble once more and learn to put differences aside in order to work together and set things right. Along the way, the Avengers realize that sacrifices must be made as they prepare for the ultimate final showdown with Thanos, which will result in the heroes fighting the biggest battle they have ever faced / Rating - 8,9 / 10 / audience Score - 705074 Votes / duration - 3 hour 1M /

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Certaines personnes regardent ce trailer que 1 fois. Mais pas nous Pas nous. 1:40 HULK having a stroke. 1:24 its amazing that they switched the setting in the trailer when Natasha and Clint were actually in. in the movie, it was a good idea. 2018 Peter: I dont feel so good 2019 The Dude: HES FEELING BETTER. Imagine Captain America telling his wife all the adventures he had been on when he got back from the future. She would think he is mentally insane.

Avengers: Endgame Watch Full lengthy. Avengers: endgame watch full length episodes. The marvel delivers a epic finale to avengers series. The years of build up and introduction of new characters definitely pays off. The farwell to some epic characters will definitely hit hard to every loyal marvel fan. The movie had its moments of action, laughter, sadness, togetherness and mindblowing climax. It wont be wrong to say the climax way up higher than the actual expectations. Despite its long run time of 3 hours it stills feels less for such kind of conclusion. The movie had its share of flaws but that does not lets you feel bored even for second. There are movies which are applauded for its story and peformances in the very highly recoginzed festivals around the globe unlike them this movie is itself a festival filled with memorable characters from the marvel cinematic universe. They are the characters who have such an impact that they will remain in the hearts of people for generations to come. This movie belongs to more of scifi or fantasy genre which are far from reality but the presentation of its imagination is delivered in such a way that you get sucked into its virtual universe. There are many series, sequels or combined universe movies who have actually failed to live up to its previous installment. Unlike them marvel universe continues to get bigger better and blockbuster with every passing follow ups. This movie is highly entertaining and enchancting equally to the fans as well as beginners. It definitely deserves a perfect score as it does its best in its own genre and movies as such will be not played be on screen every year. It might not be a masterpiece looking through a critical view but its more of a memory for a marvel fan.

Avengers endgame watch full length movie

Avengers: Endgame Watch full length

25:36 I dont care what anyone says, this is the best acting in the MCU I"ve seen. You can see the emotions on both of their faces through the whole thing. This part made me almost cry more than any other part of the movie (even the funeral. I will always wonder what happened during those 5 years, did they fight another threat.

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